
ChangeSchool believes in the power of knowledge and skills to change society. Everything we do applies elite education for the benefit of everyone. We have delivered programmes across from Asia Pacific to Latin America.
We partner with higher education institutions, development agencies and local ecosystems to co-create and co-deliver education programmes for faculty, executives, and entrepreneurs.
ChangeSchool team started in 2012 at King’s College London (KCL), working with their graduates and academics from engineering and medical faculties to commercialise their innovations, with similar services to University College London and other UK HEIs.
It launched its first international executive education programme for the $7 billion landmark conglomerate in the GCC in 2015, and its faculty development programme on entrepreneurial pedagogy for 22 HEIs in 2017.
Since then, ChangeSchool has developed extensive expertise in innovation and entrepreneurship through delivering acceleration, training, mentoring, and community development programmes for faculty and staff from 156 International Higher education institutions, supported actively supporting 370 start-ups and developed 4726 entrepreneurs and leaders through their programmes.
Today, ChangeSchool London is one of UK’s fastest growing international education institutions, with programmes for executives, faculty, and entrepreneurs in 38 countries.
Here are some of the brands we have worked with.
International development agencies who work with us

UK universities who work with us

Our expert faculty come from the UK’s top management schools, including London Business School, Cambridge Judge Business School (University of Cambridge), Bayes Business School (City, University of London), Cranfield University, and King’s Business School (King’s College London) bringing academic rigour and leading research-based insights and inputs.
Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging
For ChangeSchool, Diversity and Inclusion relate to the similarities and differences between people. This includes not only gender, nationalities, age, sexual orientation, marital status and faith but also the development of the country ecosystems, experience and maturity of the in-country partners, buying power of innovators, social and educational backgrounds, hierarchy within organisations, stage of innovation and cultural power distances. It acknowledges that most individuals do not belong to a single identity group but, in most cases, to several.
By encouraging all our programme participants to be authentic and honest about their identities, we will promote meaningful dialogues leading to innovative approaches to problem-solving and creating options for greater opportunities.
The ChangeSchool leadership team is gender balanced, with over 50% being women and from diverse backgrounds and from four different countries.
Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging
For ChangeSchool, Diversity and Inclusion relate to the similarities and differences between people. This includes not only gender, nationalities, age, sexual orientation, marital status and faith but also the development of the country ecosystems, experience and maturity of the in-country partners, buying power of innovators, social and educational backgrounds, hierarchy within organisations, stage of innovation and cultural power distances. It acknowledges that most individuals do not belong to a single identity group but, in most cases, to several.
By encouraging all our programme participants to be authentic and honest about their identities, we will promote meaningful dialogues leading to innovative approaches to problem-solving and creating options for greater opportunities.
The ChangeSchool leadership team is gender balanced, with over 50% being women and from diverse backgrounds and from four different countries.

Incorporating diversity, Inclusion and belonging into our programmes
We have processes to help shift mindsets, behaviours, and practices, we will adhere to the following processes with an aim toward Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging.
Measures are implemented to ensure equal and meaningful opportunities for people of different genders.
We have gender diversity in the programme delivery teams, which include instructors, experts and mentors from ethnic backgrounds.
Our pedagogical approach ensures participation and voice for everyone through techniques such as brainwriting, structured teamwork and varied individual and group processing tasks.
Our facilitators have diverse backgrounds and have delivered in 38 countries and are culturally sensitive and aware of the nuances.
We actively design and deliver programmes for Women’s leadership
Awards and Recognition

Award winning executive education
Since 2007, the EFMD Excellence in Practice (EiP) Awards have recognised outstanding and impactful client-supplier partnerships in Organisational, Talent, Leadership and Professional Development.
The King’s College London and ChangeSchool co-delivered executive education programme for 120 civil servants won Europe’s Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) silver category ward in talent development for aspiring leaders.
ChangeSchool in partnership with King’s Business School delivers a number of executive education programmes for senior leadership UK's Further education Sector today

International and national start-up awards
In a multi-country competition for online pitching, held independently in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan, with 800 submissions from 80 higher education institutions, the ChangeSchool/Essex University partnership produced the International champion start-up winner GreenDom across all the participating nations. GreenDom had conceptualised a therapeutic Greenhouse preparing children with disabilities for the labour market a massive move towards social impact;
ChangeSchool partnerships with City University, London South Bank University and Essex University also produced 3 of the 5 national winners in Kyrgyzstan, Georgia and Uzbekistan
International and national start-up awards
In a multi-country competition for online pitching, held independently in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan, with 800 submissions from 80 higher education institutions, the ChangeSchool/Essex University partnership produced the International champion start-up winner GreenDom across all the participating nations. GreenDom had conceptualised a therapeutic Greenhouse preparing children with disabilities for the labour market a massive move towards social impact;
ChangeSchool partnerships with City University, London South Bank University and Essex University also produced 3 of the 5 national winners in Kyrgyzstan, Georgia and Uzbekistan
Recognition and award at the House of Commons
Professor Marie Lall, ChangeSchool’s Academic lead for higher education, was honoured at a House of Commons reception on 24 June 2019 for being one of the 100 most influential people in India-UK relations. Her award is for thought leadership in education and building cross-border partnerships. The award celebrates women’s leadership across a diverse range of sectors.
Professor Marie Lall was the only educationist across India and UK amongst a list that list includes India’s Finance ministers, current UK parliament MPs, serving ambassadors, and women in business and tech.
ChangeSchool education lead has been invited by the UN to be part of an expert team to advise the UN Special Rapporteur on education minority rights for South Asia.

Company Information
ChangeSchool Limited is registered in England under company number 09528470
Member of British Expertise International (BEI), the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Entrepreneurship, and Associate Member of the UK Business Angels Association (UKBAA)
Our Information Retention Policy can be found here