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Higher education

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In 2022, we delivered leadership development programmes to 39 FE colleges in England

Faculty from 156 international universities and colleges have attended our development programmes


I delivered a webinar on frugal innovation in large and small firms in developed and emerging economies for ChangeSchool’s British Council programme on March 28, 2018.


To prepare for the webinar I worked with their team over a couple of days prior to the webinar itself. I have developed and delivered similar webinars in the past in my role as professor of marketing at Cambridge Judge Business School. So I went into the process with some preconceived ideas of what to do, quite confident that my approach was fine.


Neil and Viren quickly disabused me of these notions! In a short space of time, I realised that my old approach needed to be brought into the 21st century and made fit for purpose for the online medium. 


Overall, I enjoyed the whole process and learned a great deal in the process.

Professor Jaideep Prabhu

Professor of Innovation & Marketing,

Jawaharlal Nehru Professor at Cambridge Judge Business School (CJBS),

UK Fellow of the British Academy

Author: Jugaad Innovation & Frugal Innovation, and What should governments do?

Award winning delivery
Higher Education, Executive Education, Entrepreneurial Education

ChangeSchool, in partnership with King's College London won Silver Award with the European Foundation of Management Development (EFMD) and their Excellence in Practice Awards in the category of Talent Development the Silver award 

We partner with higher education institutions, development agencies and local ecosystems to drive graduate employability, commercialisation, and new enterprise activity.

You can see case studies of projects in the next section 

Trans-National Education (TNE)

Bringing elite education for everyone. ChangeSchool provides UK university Master's programmes through our strategic academic partnerships from Sub-Saharan Africa to Central Asia


The 'Entrepreneurial University'

Entrepreneurial universities generate employment and employability. Using systems thinking, intuition entrepreneurship skills, and transdisciplinary approaches we are working with higher education institutions in from Georgia to Malaysia, to help academics commercialise their innovation and  create high tech start-ups for students and faculty alike

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Commercialisation: Innovation to entrepreneurship

Most innovations fail to find a market. We help creative entrepreneurs build a customer-centric mindset, market testing expertise, and expansive ecosystem networks to succeed and realise their innovations’ true potential

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Leadership development of university and college executive teams

To keep up with the changing employability and skills landscape, countries regularly transform their HE and FE policies and curricula. ChangeSchool is helping FE institutions in the UK develop leadership capacity and scale to embrace this innovation and deliver system-wide changes effectively.

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Global University rankings and accreditation

University rankings are a powerful indicator of student employability and global mobility, attracting the best students and producing knowledge and IP. ChangeSchool is helping higher education institutions in the Asia Pacific develop systemic approaches to improve their global ranking.

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Faculty development: Pedagogy

Entrepreneurship drives national economies through value creation, employment and impact in societies. ChangeSchool has delivered nationally sponsored certified programmes in entrepreneurship education to teach faculty in the Middle East modern pedagogical techniques.


Selected Projects

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Faculty leadership development in the UK

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Entrepreneurial University in Georgia

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University Commercialisation in Malaysia

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Global university rankings in Japan

List of international Higher Education Institutions

We have educated academics from these 156 Higher Education Institutions

Higher Education, Executive Education, Entrepreneurial Education
Higher Education, Executive Education, Entrepreneurial Education
Higher Education, Executive Education, Entrepreneurial Education
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